



1)            時間数: 「質は量に勝る」私にとってこの事をいつも心にとどめておくことは非常に大切なことである。あなた達は6〜8時間海上で時間を費して、何も学ばない事がある。或いは3時間を費やしてそこから子ども達が一秒の無駄も無く学び取っている事を確信するかもしれない。

1回の練習 もし練習が一回のみであれば私は約4時間の「実地練習」が好ましいと思う。最初のドリル(練習)を開始してから継続的に練習を行う。それ以上長時間行うと子ども達は集中力を失い効果は落ち始める。

2回の練習 私はこの方法が最良であると思っている。それは3時間のセーリング、陸上での昼食、そしてもう3時間の2回目の練習である。この方法では、あなた方は間違えを陸上において直してあげる事ができる。陸上

2)        ドリルの選択: 











3)        ドリルの説明をする:






4)        計画を立てる、しかし柔軟に




5)        ブリーフィング(練習についての報告)




6)        秘訣




Always better Good than long






How to Make A Sailing Session Efficient

By Alejandro Sole

When designing a practice there are several things that I like to remember in order to make sure that the practice is as good as it can be. At the same time there are a lot of things to define, and this will depend, on the quality of the sailors, the number of sailors, the conditions, the motivation they have, and the proximity to important future events.

1)Amount of Time: “Quality over quantity”. For me this is extremely important to have it in mind at all times. You can spend 6, 8 hours in the water and learn nothing. Instead you can spend 3 hours, and make sure that the kids are learning from every second out there.

One Session: If it is only one session I like to “practice” for around 4 hours. Counting from the moment that the first drill starts. Longer than that kids start loosing concentration and performance start to decline

Two Sessions: I think this is the best alternative.. Sailing 3 hours, having lunch in Land and then having a second session of another 3 hours. With this alternative you have the possibility of correcting mistakes on land , where kids can listen and understand more than in the water, see videos, and have them rest for some time.

2) Selecting Drills:

Things to consider when selecting the drills to do in the water.

  • Priority N 1:Taking the most advantage over the sailing conditions
  • Number of Sailors:
    • Small Amount:Concentrate on Technique, as you can spend more time on each sailor
    • Big Group:Starts, Tactics, Races.
  • Drills:
    • Use drills that will make the kids concentrate on specific Parts of a Race
    • Choose drills that have a relationship between them.
    • Choose drills that will motivate sailors.
    • Try to have a drill or a race at the end that will put together each little thing learned on every drill.

3) Explaining Drills:

One of the problems that I faced when I started working with drills, was that a lot of sailors, where just following the instructions of the drill. But they were not trying to understand why we were using those drills. Each drill is design, to have the sailors concentrate on one specific part of the race. If they don’t understand this, then the drills are useless. It is very important that they know the reasons why they are doing this drills, and that they understand that when doing certain drills, they have to concentrate on specific things, to get the most out of it.

       “Meaning of the Drills”

       Not just modified courses

       Concentrating on certain Items

4) Making a Plan, but be flexible

       Always desing a plan on land, and try to follow it as much as possible.

       Remember: Changing plans in the water always makes you loose time, and have sailors get confused

       Also Remember: If you made a plan and the sailors are not learning from the practice. STOP THE PRACTICE; It’s a waist of time….. Re program. And start again.


  • Good and bad things of the practice
  • Never too long, try to say the 3 things that were worst of all. Always say the important things in the beginning and in the end. You find out that at that time they are paying the most of attention
  • Always leave a positive message for the end. They have to be motivated to go to the water the next day


  • The more they enjoy the practice the harder they will work
  • Try to make them keep in mind why they are doing this: They want to be World Champions? National Champions?
  • Always better Good than long
  • Congratulate the effort, not only the results.
  • Keep the group together, the better the group gets, the better they all sail

This is just a guide of what I will develop during the talk…

  • At the end of the Talk, I will design together with the audience , different practices with different conditions. To see what there thoughts are, and share mine.
  • I will also talk a little bit, but depending on time about Coaching at Big Events.

I will need, a marker and a board, to write things on it.

Kind Regards…


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